Prompt 1: Close-up portrait shot of a woman in autumn, extreme detail, shallow depth of field

Generated by Sora OpenAI's text-to-video model 117

OpenAI Mar 1, 2024

Our video model Sora is also capable of generating images of variable sizes—up to 2048x2048 resolution.These images were generated by Sora, without modification.


Prompt 1: Close-up portrait shot of a woman in autumn, extreme detail, shallow depth of field
Prompt 1:一个女人在秋天的特写肖像,极端的细节,浅景深

Prompt 2: Vibrant coral reef teeming with colorful fish and sea creatures
Prompt 2: 充满活力的珊瑚礁,丰富多彩的鱼类和海洋生物

Prompt 3: Digital art of a young tiger under an apple tree in a matte painting style with gorgeous details
Prompt 3: 一棵苹果树下的年轻老虎的数字艺术,哑光绘画风格与华丽的细节

Prompt 4: A snowy mountain village with cozy cabins and a northern lights display, high detail and photorealistic dslr, 50mm f/1.2*
Prompt 4: 雪山村庄,舒适的小屋和北极光展示,高细节和逼真的单反,50mm f/1.2

Prompt 1: Close-up portrait shot of a woman in autumn, extreme detail, shallow depth of field
Prompt 2: Vibrant coral reef teeming with colorful fish and sea creatures
Prompt 3: Digital art of a young tiger under an apple tree in a matte painting style with gorgeous details
Prompt 4: A snowy mountain village with cozy cabins and a northern lights display, high detail and photorealistic dslr, 50mm f/1.2*



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