Generated by Sora OpenAI's text-to-video model 43

Tim Brooks Feb 19, 2024

Full prompt (by the amazing Chad Nelson!)

"The camera lowers and widens to a grand panoramic view overlooking the beautiful ocean and the historical buildings along the a stunning coastal picturesque town perched on the cliffs. Colorful buildings in shades of yellow, orange, pink, and white cascade down the steep slopes of the rugged coastline of Amalfi Coast in Italy. The architecture has a classic European charm, with tiled roofs and ornate details. Several boats and yachts are speckled across the calm waters, implying leisure activities like boating or sightseeing are common here. Lush greenery on the mountainous landscape. The overall image is vibrant, inviting, and bustling with the potential for holiday adventures and relaxation, warm golden light, beautiful high-end travel photography shot on 4K digital cameras"

完整的提示词(由了不起的查德·纳尔逊(Chad Nelson)提供!

“镜头降低并扩大到壮丽的全景,俯瞰美丽的海洋和历史建筑,沿着悬崖上风景如画的迷人沿海小镇。黄色、橙色、粉红色和白色的五颜六色的建筑沿着意大利阿马尔菲海岸崎岖海岸线的陡峭山坡倾泻而下。该建筑具有经典的欧洲魅力,拥有瓷砖屋顶和华丽的细节。几艘船和游艇散布在平静的水面上,这意味着划船或观光等休闲活动在这里很常见。郁郁葱葱的绿色植物在山地景观中。整体图像充满活力、诱人、熙熙攘攘,具有度假冒险和放松的潜力,温暖的金色光芒,用 4K 数码相机拍摄的美丽高端旅行摄影”



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